Debunking Second Hand Furniture Myths

Debunking Second Hand Furniture Myths

Many people might turn their nose up at any second hand furniture for multiple reasons. They may see the items as having a smell or thinking that the items have gone past it’s ‘good days’.

However, second hand furniture can be just as good as brand new furniture. Think of how many ‘vintage’ items people love just because it has a label stuck to it. You can get so many unique items second hand that you wouldn’t be able to get anymore. They simply just aren’t made that way.

Price Point

A good reason to buy second hand furniture is price point. Second hand furniture is a lot cheaper than buying brand new. Buying second hand can save you money if you have a tight budget. You are more likely to be able to stretch your money if you need multiple items. So, rather than having to make a choose between new items, you could get them all second hand.

At CFRC we pride ourselves on offering spectacular prices on all our items. We also hold multiple sales at different points in the year. This can be from a back to school sale, to an easter sale or even black Fridays deals.

Our fabulous sales team will be sure to help whenever they can, however they can.

Cleanliness and hygiene

At CFRC we can guarantee that all furniture that we recieve is cleaned and sanitised to a very high standard. We understand that this can be a big reason to why people don’t like second hand furniture. There is no smelly furniture in here!

This helps keeps peoples minds at rest. It also makes sure that we aren’t giving out any furniture that just appears clean, it is actually clean. We have well-trained team who know how to get into all the edges and crannies.

High Quality

Just because something is second hand doesn’t mean that it won’t last. The quality hasn’t dropped due to someone using it before you. Many people look after their belongings to make sure that the quality of the items last. When people donate furniture, the item may have been loved previously. It still has a lot of love in it for someone else.

At CFRC we have a list of quality checks that we carry out on items. We will only take items that are reusable. This means that there might be slight wear and tear but the actual quality of the item is still there.


A good way to make an item feel like your own is to upcycle. Upcycling can be done in many ways, add a fresh coat of paint or change fabric on soft furnishings. The possibilities are endless. Upcycling is a good way to reuse am item. You may have found the perfect piece but its just wrong colour for you. That’s fine, a new coat of paint then makes this item perfect for you. This saves you money and gives you a small project to do.

We have already made a few blog post on upcycling. These are linked below, check tehm out and look for any inspiration.

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